Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 5, 2011

14 weeks & the Bump! Happy 2nd Trimester to us!

Holy Crap! What happened to the cute little bump from last week? I swear my bump grew overnight. :D

How far along? 14 Weeks

Weight gain/loss: 1 lb. from last week. I had lost a few pounds a few weeks ago and now I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight.

Maternity clothes? None. I've been using a rubber band/ponytail holder to keep my pants loose. I'm thinking about getting a belly band.

Stretch marks? None.

Sleep? Sleep is good. I get up to go to the bathroom once in the a.m. and easily get back to sleep. I'm thinking about getting a body pillow to help my hips & stay on my left side.

Best moment this week? We've made it to the 2nd tri! WOOHOO! And our 1st baby purchase came in yesterday. It's super cute. Will share pics later. :)

Food cravings: Still lots of fresh fruit & kosher pickles. Although, I have found that if I see something that looks delicious, I must have it soon. (i.e. Boudin. I saw a family member post a pic on FB and then I just had to have it.)

Gender: I think baby girl, but that could totally be because I want a girl and I want our little one to look like Dan. :)

Belly button in or out? In.

Movement? None.

What I miss? Being able to fit into my jeans without a rubber band. Being able to pick out what to wear within seconds and not minutes. ugh. I also miss normal bowel movements. lol

What I'm looking forward to: I'm looking forward to our next appointment & ultrasound, which isn't until June 2nd (that's 4 weeks away!). I'll be 18 weeks and maybe, just maybe we'll find out the sex then. But I won't get my hopes up. :)

Milestones: Second trimester!


Allison said...

Congratulations!! Love your bump...and definitely Happy 2nd Trimester to you both!

Kimberly said...

Your bump is so cute!

Katy said...

We found out Mady's sex at 18 weeks. It's entirely possible. Will they be doing an ultrasound?

Definitely get a belly band....they're great!

Vanessa said...

YOU LOOK AMAZING!! SO excited for you guys!! Such a crazy journey. You are such a cute pregnant girl <3

Jessica O. said...

Love this post!!! So excited to follow your pregnancy journey :)